Monday, February 14, 2011

on valentines day

Valentines day is a loaded day to have to deal with whether you are in a relationship or not. I personally am not a fan of valentine's day, but my sweetie is so I make the effort to like it for him. Here's the deal people, you can hate any specific holiday if you want to, but at least have legitimate reasons for it. If you claim that you hate valentine's day because it's just over commercialized, then you also better hate christmas, halloween, easter, thanksgiving, independence day, cinco de mayo, and every other national holiday in the US because guess what? Companies will find any excuse imaginable to sell you crap that you don't need. If you hate it because you had your heart broken on that day, okay it sucks, but latching on to that hate isn't going to make it better. Make new memories. Find someone who you love, and it doesn't have to be sexual or romantic love, and go out with them on an undate. The same thing goes for being single and hating it. You can always have some self love time too.

There are plenty of feminist friendly ways to celebrate valentines day. Get a group of people together to go see the vagina monologues performed if it's going on on vday in your area. Volunteer with someone you love to work for a FABGLITTER organization for the day. Commemorate your egalitarian relationship with your sweetie by shaking up the gender roles on your date that night. Cook dinner for each other. Go on a picture scavenger hunt and find all of the places in your area that celebrate self love and positive body image.

Most importantly treat valentines day as a day to celebrate how much you love yourself. If you are practicing harmful practices to yourself make this the day that you vow to stop and get help. Eat some chocolate, cuddle with your stuffed animals, heck buy yourself flowers if you feel so inclined. Just don't treat this day like a day that you have to hate on principle, because really all that does is bring down the people who love you, and that is the last thing anyone should have to deal with on valentines day

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