Tuesday, February 15, 2011

south dakota wants to kill abortion providers

I woke up to seeing this: http://motherjones.com/politics/2011/02/south-dakota-hb-1171-legalize-killing-abortion-providers
Let's break this down for a second. The bill uses the ridiculous phrase unborn which is what the antichoicers (the people who are against abortion being legal, they call themselves prolife, I refuse to do so as very few of them actually support life, this being a perfect example) use in an effort to try and make people think that it's a baby and that it is very much alive. Reality is that legally a child is not alive until it is born and has taken it's first breath. This is due to the fact that there is a significant portion of children who are stillborn and never take a breath, therefore they were never really alive. Pregnancy is a complicated process. Most women miscarry before they even know they are pregnant. In order to be alive brain fucntion must be at a level that allows for breathing which a fetus is not capable of. They are not "unborn babies" they are not living fetuses as defined by medical experts.

Second the piece of legislation is purposefully vague enough to allow for a relative of a pregnant woman seeking an abortion to kill a doctor and get away with it, even though abortion is a legal medical procedure. Would we consider murdering a cosmetic plastic surgeon (I'm not talking about reconstructive surgeons who fix environmental and genetic conditions) who operates on children, a practice which is actually harmful to a living human being and just as controversial acceptable? No so therefore this is completely ridiculous

This piece of legislation, like all other pieces of legislation is a way to prevent woman from being able to seek their own health care because the antichoicers think that sex is wrong and dirty and pregnancy and STI's are a punishment to women who choose to have sex, not even considering women who have been victims or rape and incest, because those women must have done something to ask for it, which is evident by the legislation in the national house right now which is trying to change the wording in rape and domestic violence situations from victim to accuser. At the core of this type of legislation is a true and udder hatred for women, a hatred which has got to stop.

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